Dengue poses a significant threat to public health and economic stability of endemic areas. With the lifting of border and frequent domestic exchange in the post-COVID-19 era plus overlapping symptoms and coinfections, and further complicated by the fact that personnel dedicated to vector control, healthcare, and research have been diverted from dengue to COVID-19, a resurgence of dengue cases has been reported in many areas. In light of the growing global epidemic, it is necessary to address the challenges in dengue prevention and clinical management. Preventing or reducing dengue virus transmission depends entirely on controlling vector populations and interrupting human–vector contact. While Integrated Vector Management (IVM) remains the cornerstone of dengue prevention, the absence of specific treatments highlights the importance of early detection and timely medical care in reducing fatality rates.
In response to these challenges, Chinese Taipei proposes this project as a collaborative platform for APEC member economies. Through sharing best practices and innovative models among public authorities, private sectors, and academia, this project aims to develop comprehensive strategies for dengue prevention. These strategies will focus on establishing sustainable and cost-effective control measures while enhancing clinical management capabilities. The ultimate goal is to protect public health and maintain economic stability across the APEC region.
In response to these challenges, Chinese Taipei proposes this project as a collaborative platform for APEC member economies. Through sharing best practices and innovative models among public authorities, private sectors, and academia, this project aims to develop comprehensive strategies for dengue prevention. These strategies will focus on establishing sustainable and cost-effective control measures while enhancing clinical management capabilities. The ultimate goal is to protect public health and maintain economic stability across the APEC region.
Conference Objectives
The conference is a two-day event led by the Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare of Chinese Taipei. The target audiences of this conference are expected to include Dengue prevention policy makers and officials, public health officials, experts in communicable disease prevention, the private sector and academia. The conference will include interactive sessions that enable the sharing of members’ dengue/severe dengue prevention strategies, technology, and clinical management experiences, as well as a site visit to a mosquito-borne diseases control research center in Tainan.
Dengue Prevention and Control in the Post-COVID-19 Era: New Challenges and Role of Innovative Technology
Secretariat: Greenhill Events LLC.
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