Infectious diseases continue to threaten human health and economic stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Gaps in capacities of infectious disease surveillance in the APEC region challenge the region’s surveillance network to better respond to threats posed by infectious diseases. Digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) can support the diverse needs and approaches for early warning, forecasting epidemics, improving decision-making in outbreak response and simulation tools.
This conference aims to identify opportunities for APEC developing economies to adopt digital infectious disease surveillance. Chinese Taipei seeks to share its experiences with other APEC member economies and help illustrate some potential ways of combatting COVID-19 through the project. APEC economies’ valuable lessons are worth sharing and learning through a platform for dialogues, cooperation, and sharing best practices and challenges regarding COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. The skills will benefit APEC developing economies in their efforts to mitigate the economic impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
This conference aims to identify opportunities for APEC developing economies to adopt digital infectious disease surveillance. Chinese Taipei seeks to share its experiences with other APEC member economies and help illustrate some potential ways of combatting COVID-19 through the project. APEC economies’ valuable lessons are worth sharing and learning through a platform for dialogues, cooperation, and sharing best practices and challenges regarding COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. The skills will benefit APEC developing economies in their efforts to mitigate the economic impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Conference Objectives
The overall objective of this project is to establish a platform for industry, academia, and government in the APEC economies to exchange experiences and lessons learned from developing digital tools to combat infectious diseases and complement conventional surveillance.
Conference Format
The conference will be held virtually on Webex from 25-26 August 2021 at 9:00 am – 12:00 am GMT+8.
- The conference will be conducted fully in English.
- Participants are suggested to link at 8:30 am (GMT+8) to minimize technical issues during the symposium.
- System requirements of Webex can be found here.
- Information on how to join a Webex meeting: https://help.webex.com/en-us/nrbgeodb/Join-a-Webex-Meeting
- Link to the Webex help page: https://help.webex.com/en-us/
- Once connected, please ensure that your camera is on. Microphone will only be on when moderator gives you the floor.
- If participant would like to make intervention, please use the chat box of Webex.
- Please fill out the questionnaire after the conference.
Implementation Mechanisms
The conference as mentioned is going to be conducted virtually on Webex. The moderators and speakers attending the conference on Webex are required to do a test run to ensure the stability of your audio and video system. Participants are welcomed to join the test run also if not familiar with Webex. Information will be updated after nomination.
Dengue Prevention and Control in the Post-COVID-19 Era: New Challenges and Role of Innovative Technology
Secretariat: Greenhill Events LLC.
E-mail: [email protected]
TEL: 886-2-27398862#200
FAX: 886-2-27398860